University of Louisiana at Lafayette


University of Louisiana at Lafayette Foundation



When you support the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, you're helping current and future students gain valuable academic and hands-on experiences.

With your gift, you're ensuring that our students can afford a world-class education with expert faculty and ever-expanding opportunities.


The University Annual Fund supports the greatest needs of the University community including career-readiness programming and sustainability initiatives.

Support Your College

Gifts to the college of your choice support a variety of needs including specific departments and programs, dean’s enhancement funds, and endowments.


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Student Emergency Fund

Student Emergency Fund

Your gift to the Student Emergency Fund supports our students who are in need of financial assistance due to unforeseen emergency circumstances.



The UL Lafayette Campus Cupboard is a resource for undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty and staff who require short-term assistance meeting their food needs.


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The Keystone Scholarship Fund helps students who are ineligible for federal and state assistance begin and complete their undergraduate academic journeys at UL Lafayette. The Alumni Association's License Plate Fund is offering a dollar-for-dollar match for all contributions to this fund.

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Make a gift to the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Your generosity means more scholarships, more career readiness opportunities, and more groundbreaking research.



The GeauxU mobile app is designed to bring all that UL Lafayette has to offer to your mobile device. Available for Apple and Android devices, the new app is perfect for all UL Lafayette alumni, students, and friends.



Contact us at geauxu@louisiana.edu or click below for more information.



Gifts to the University of Louisiana at Lafayette help our University remain a strong and vibrant institution despite shifting revenue streams. Alumni generosity and commitment to our school make it possible to provide the highest levels of education for our students and state-of-the art resources for our faculty.


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Where You Can Give

Your College

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Make a Gift to Your College


Geaux Cajuns! Support Louisiana Ragin’ Cajuns student-athletes on the field and off with your gift to the Ragin’ Cajuns Athletic Fund.

Make a Gift to Athletics


Gifts to the University Annual Fund are allocated to the greatest needs of the University.

Make a Gift to the University Annual Fund

Current Office Hours

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Mondays and Wednesdays
staff will be available between 10:00 – 2:00 pm
(please call 337-482-0700 and someone will come to the door to assist you)

Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
staff will be working remotely

Correspondence, donations and checks for deposit can be mailed to the following address:
UL Lafayette Foundation

If at any time you need assistance please call the Foundation’s main number 337-482-0700.

For deliveries, please also call 337-482-0700

Thank You,
UL Lafayette Foundation

Distinguished Donors 2024

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Distinguished Donors

The UL Lafayette Foundation Board of Trustees proudly recognizes those who have contributed to making the University of Louisiana at Lafayette a world-class institution. We celebrate the Distinguished Donors Honorees and the University's entire community of donors, and we recognize their investments as tools to transform education and create a lasting positive impact.

Dr. Cindy and Mr. Darrell Cobb

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The UL Lafayette Foundation Board of Trustees proudly recognizes those who have contributed to making the University of Louisiana at Lafayette a world-class institution. We celebrate the Distinguished Donors Honorees and the University's entire community of donors, and we recognize their investments as tools to transform education and create a lasting positive impact.



The UL Lafayette Foundation Board of Trustees proudly recognizes those who have contributed to making the University of Louisiana at Lafayette a world-class institution. We celebrate the Distinguished Donors Honorees and the University's entire community of donors, and we recognize their investments as tools to transform education and create a lasting positive impact.

Better Options Initiative


The UL Lafayette Foundation Board of Trustees proudly recognizes those who have contributed to making the University of Louisiana at Lafayette a world-class institution. We celebrate the Distinguished Donors Honorees and the University's entire community of donors, and we recognize their investments as tools to transform education and create a lasting positive impact.

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

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Keith & Daniella Poirrier

Keith & Daniella Poirrier

The UL Lafayette Foundation Board of Trustees proudly recognizes those who have contributed to making the University of Louisiana at Lafayette a world-class institution. We celebrate the Distinguished Donors Honorees and the University's entire community of donors, and we recognize their investments as tools to transform education and create a lasting positive impact.

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